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  • Classification And Use Of Webbing
  • Classification And Use Of Webbing


    Webbing is no longer unfamiliar to everyone, but the classification of webbing is not necessarily true. It may not be familiar to people in the industry. We have also talked about the identification of the quality of the webbing before, and at the same time, we can also know his material to distinguish through the identification. Today I will share with you other classifications of the webbing.
                               poly cotton webbing application
    According to the weaving method of the machine, the first is the woven belt, and the second is the knitted belt. In the webbing, especially the jacquard webbing, it is a bit similar to the cloth label manufacturing method, but the warp of the cloth label is fixed, and the pattern is expressed by the weft, while the weft of the webbing is fixed, and the pattern is expressed by the warp. The small machine used is used for proofing each time It takes a long time to draw the yarn, thread the yarn, and adjust the machine, and the efficiency is not particularly high. But he can make a wide variety of goods, not just like the cloth labels.
    Knitted belt: Due to its special structure, it refers to the horizontal (dimension) elasticity and is mainly used for piping knitted belts.
    LAST:Traditional Handmade Webbing